Posts tagged Current

Bubbles are so fun! In childhood and as adults. There is something magical about them: the color, the shape, the fluidity of them. I love them! And I love watching Luke love them. I bought this cool BIG bubble wand at Five Below for our trip to Galveston last week because I knew the two-year-old didn't always want to go to the beach so I needed an activity for the house. Big bubbles for the win!!

Here are some of the ones I've captured since March.

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This isn't my first garden. But my first garden isn't worth mentioning.

This is our quarantine garden. But in all honesty, we were going to build this garden from the wrecked out deck this year eventually anyways.

We have learned a LOT through the garden. How to water, when to plant, how to harvest it. I don't know what to do about my grapefruit tree, we had 20 grapefruits and we are down to 4. Did the squirrels eat them? I don't know.

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The Fourth of July is our Nation's birthday. It was our Declaration of Independence from Britain and the birth of the United States of America.
I have so many thoughts about what this means to us today. None of these thoughts are really well-formed or deep. I do know that we are given freedom in so many ways, but with that comes the responsibility to take care of our country. It means caring for those we love and even those we don't love or don't even know, but to love them through mutual respect.

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