
National Charity League or NCL is a mother-daughter
philanthropic organization committed to community
service, leadership development and cultural experiences.

It has been my honor to share in this wonderful organization as the official photographer of the Katy Chapter of NCL.

We approach our photographic coverage of NCL with a much more comprehensive coverage of the journey of these girls throughout the year and not just centered on Senior Recognition.  We try to capture the events that lead up to that wonderful celebration including the spring tea, senior retreat, fashion show, Christmas celebration and several philanthropy events throughout the year.  

Our goal is to begin capturing these memories for the incoming ticktockers as well as the graduating class.  Focusing on special mother/daughter moments and friendships that have formed over the course of their years serving in NCL.


Want to find out more?  Click on link to learn more. 
We are looking to expand our service to other NCL chapters.
