Luke is my mischievous child.  He is the quintessential boss baby.  We tell him, no, and he does it anyway.  At some point, we will enforce no, maybe.  But he knows when he's supposed to NOT do something and does it anyway and then gives us this grin.  HE KNOWS!  He's 2 and he KNOWS, having kids are crazy, and watching them learn is even crazier.

So we have this row of sprinklers along the back of the pool.  It has a timer he can easily access and he has learned not only how to turn it on but how to CHANGE the sprinkler heads.  Insert facepalm here.  He is so smart and needs to figure it all out.  He's TWO!

Anyways, we tell him no and we change the heads back and he goes and does it anyways after we change it.  And then gives us that smile.

It's a game for now.  Until he brings out the power tools.  I'll take the sprinkler heads and the smile and laughter and curiosity.

Ah, the 3rd child....
