So I didn’t grow up with a lake life mentality. We were more a beach family. Sand and waves are more my speed. And then we would hike in the mountains, so there were a lot of streams and creeks. Lakes are more foreign to me.

This summer we had 3 opportunities to go on 3 different lakes. And let me tell you, I could get used to the lake life. The moment that we push off from the dock I can feel my stress instantly lift off my shoulders. The water just calms me.


But the lake that really captivated me was Caddo Lake. Y’all this lake is not only the only natural lake in the great state of Texas, but it’s also a state park and spans the Texas/Louisiana border. It is also one of the largest flooded cypress forest in the United States. And it’s an internationally protected wetland. Caddo Lake was named off the Southwestern culture of the Native Americans called Caddoans or Caddo and they lived in the area until 19th century.

My father-in-law was an expert on local legend and lore including the stories of the shack that still stands that was a hot spot during prohibition and tales of Disney owning property for movies and famous World War II companies that build casings and bombs having land that is now protected, along with memories of friends houses on the lake, the country club and tales of fishing.

The boys LOVED it!! And they swam in a lake for the first time at sunset- even Luke. But what I loved was the Spanish moss and the Cypress trees. We went at sunset because the light was magical. I can’t wait to go back and capture more photos with fog or at sunrise. I think it would be amazing to photograph at night too, but I’d be more worried about alligators at night.

JessLC Photographers