Houston senior, family and sports photographer - LC Photographers

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So we've been to the beach, we made bubbles, we've swum, gardened, jumped, biked, hiked, and bounced.  But summer isn't summer without watermelon!!

Some of my favorite photos of my older boys are eating watermelon at this age.  It's messy and colorful and simple.  It allows for focusing on their eyes and chubby fingers and toes and bellies and find the good light and celebrate childhood.

I had a watermelon session a week ago and since I had the beautiful Chevrolet and all the watermelons, I asked Justin to bring Luke out for a quick session.  And if you have a toddler you know it was QUICK!  That's the best part of these mini sessions, they are 10-15 minutes long and BAM!  Magic photos!

I also love them because they challenge me to find and adapt to the light as it shifts so quickly in the evenings.  I love the light through the trees and the soft rich glow of the light on his hair in some of the photos.

Back to school is less than 2 weeks away, it was nice to soak up this little bit of summer.