Houston senior, family and sports photographer - LC Photographers

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This isn't my first garden.  But my first garden isn't worth mentioning.

This is our quarantine garden.  But in all honesty, we were going to build this garden from the wrecked out deck this year eventually anyways.

We have learned a LOT through the garden.  How to water, when to plant, how to harvest it.  I don't know what to do about my grapefruit tree, we had 20 grapefruits and we are down to 4.  Did the squirrels eat them?  I don't know.

The tomatoes we planted too late but we seem to be getting a good amount.  Next year- fewer plants and in a different spot so they can ripen faster.

I have NO idea what to do with the tomatillos but they are so cool to watch grow.  And I can't wait to have green salsa.

The cabbage is a fall crop.  And I think we overwater the peppers but who knows.  I love watching the cucumber trellis.

And the flower garden is SO much fun.  Next year I want to plant more cutting flowers and some black-eyed susans.  I'm going to try dahlias this fall.

We totally killed the squash.  I think it got too much sun.  I'll try again in a different bed next year.

I'm looking forward to planting a fall garden in August.